Take responses and add them to the list. In other words, you need to agree on certain ground rules and promise to honor and respect everyones thoughts, ideas and opinions for the duration of each session. Create a strategic plan for an initiative, an advocacy campaign, an intervention, etc. (2004) Student perceptions of effective small group teaching. Ask dominant participants to allow others to speak. The Tool Box needs your help Common ground rules include: Ground rules may also include participation-management techniques. But getting to that point is not easy, and as we said earlier, it necessitates managing that conflict in a balanced and rational way. Medical Education, 38:286-293. This resource can be used to lead a group discussion about developing ground rules for how primary care team members communicate with each other. Good listening requires concentration and attention. ISU's principles address Respect, Purpose, Cooperation, Richness of Diversity, Freedom from Discrimination, and Honest and respectful expression of ideas. 1. Nothing said in the group should be discussed outside the group without the permission of those involved. Explain the reasoning leading to your conclusions. Health professionals and health educators. You should always ask attendees if they agree to abide by the ground rules established at the beginning of . Discussion Ground Rules. (Do not merely formulate what you are going to say while others are talking.) There are two ways to look at this question: Whats the point of group discussion? and Why would you, as opposed to someone else, lead a group discussion? Lets examine both. Ground rules should be sufficient but not excessive. Establishing ground rules Providing a common basis for understanding Creating a framework for the discussion that maintains focus and flow Including everyone Being an active facilitator Summarizing discussion and gathering student feedback Handling issues that involve the instructor's identity University resources Identifying a clear purpose If youre asked your opinion directly, you should answer honestly. Be conscious of body language and nonverbal responses: They can be as disrespectful as words. Maintain an atmosphere for discussion and analysis of our options. Instead of invalidating somebody elses story with your own spin on her or his experience, share your own story and experience. Ground rules clarify expectations for behavior in the meeting. A way to approach the dominant participant and pull in non-participants is to redirect the discussion to another person or another topic. Be on time and prepared for meetings. Ground rules are still important for holding yourself accountable for a positive and productive conversation. Everyday-Democracy. 2. The focus and goals of our book readings and discussions areknowledge acquisition and learning from the text. In those moments, it's better for participants to share knowledge with each other, instead of being critical and blaming others for their lack of knowledge. University Library701 Morrill Rd It is important to ensure that the response is rational and balanced and deals with the conflict in an efficient way so we can restore our focus on the task at hand. Well begin by looking at what you might consider if you have time to prepare. Next, ask students to think about the worst group . What behaviors am I most familiar or comfortable with? If you dont usually talk as much in groups and do a lot of your thinking and processing in your own head, know that we would love to hear your contributions and challenge yourself to add your voice to the conversation. (1). If there is an experimentally verified answer, the facilitator can use the opportunity to review the method by which the answer could be determined. Request that if participants challenge others ideas, they back it up with evidence, appropriate experiences, and/or appropriate logic. HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTED TIPS AND GROUND RULES: 4 IDENTITY AND PLACE. Ask dominant participants to allow others to speak. Facilitating Political Discussions from the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts Universityis designed to assist experienced facilitators in training others to facilitate politically charged conversations. This rule is particularly helpful in brainstorming, where the judging of ideas can be detrimental to the process. It is not necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the topic with actual facts and figures but at least the basic information on the topic will be good . Respect silence: Dont force yourself to fill silence. University of Queensland: Designing Culturally Inclusive Environments, accessed July 2008. www.tedi.uq.edu.au/cdip, The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Course Development Funds for Remote-accessible (REM) Courses, Graduate Student Proctorship in Academic Administration, Seminar for Transformation Around Anti-Racist Teaching, Sheridan-RISD Museum Collaborative Workshop Series, Guidelines for Assessing Student Learning, A Guide to the Writing Support (WSUP) Flag for Faculty, http://academics.georgiasouthern.edu/ijsotl/v1n1/feito/ij_feito.htm, What do the participants bring to the group? Another strategy is to have participants write out their answers to a question. (Be sure to include the requester in this discussion). Leading a discussion group is not the same as running a meeting. Having the words written out may make it easier for a shy or fearful person to speak up. The exception here is when someone has been chosen by her community or group to represent its point of view in a multi-sector discussion. Ground Rules for Respectful Discussion 1. Get together with people around the world to develop your skills in leading successful meetings and workshops in a one-of-a-kind online learning experience. 1. Think of the meetings you have participated in over the past year. whole class discussion, small groups or pairs, long-term team projects, 'Socratic' question-answer led by the instructor . Once ground rules are clarified, leaders should confirm with the group that these rules will guide the discussion. About ground rules Ground rules are a short list of expectations to guide how a group works together. If you paraphrase what someone else said, verify with them afterwards that you 2 x=@! Respect: We do not advise, analyze or "fix" others. Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions. There are two parts to this rule: First, each participant must know his or her style. Steinert, Y. Another approach is to break down the group into still smaller task groups. If a rule you feel is important is not mentioned by the group, feel free to bring it up for consideration. . The ideal here is that other members of the group do the challenging, and it may be worth waiting long enough before you jump in to see if thats going to happen. Be present, and don't attend to non-meeting business. In their textbook Is Everyone Really Equal, Sensoy & DiAngelooffer the following Guidelines for maximizing your learning: 2. If the situation is particularly difficult, a directive leader might be needed to keep control of the discussion and make. In some cases, the opportunity to lead a group discussion can arise on the spur of the moment; in others, its a more formal arrangement, planned and expected. A group leader or facilitator might be directive or non-directive; that is, she might try to control what goes on to a large extent; or she might assume that the group should be in control, and that her job is to facilitate the process. Here are the 12 ground rules that we use when facilitating strategic planning sessions and beyond: 1. Undiscussable issues are those issues that are on everyones mind, but no one is able to bring them forwards. This can be done via a handout, posted on a wall, or projected on a . For most group discussions, the facilitator role is probably a good ideal to strive for. How did you feel once the conversation ended? If the group starts to veer in the direction of negativity and/or pointless venting, ask them how they would like to address this. 12 Ground Rules for Online Discussions Participate: This is a shared learning environment. (Characteristics that may give you a unique perspective). Treat participants with respect and consideration. You also may be in a position to lead one, and thats what this section is about. The chances are that, like most of us, you fall somewhere in between the extremes of the leader who sets the agenda and dominates the group completely, and the leader who essentially leads not at all. 4. Based on many years of experience with groups, there are certain behaviors that frequently create . Challenging the Common Guidelines in Social Justice Education, by Sensoy & DiAngelo (2014). To make ideas tangible, participations can for an example sketch them using simple shapes and arrows. Whenever you are talking to your branch or board about diversity and inclusion, its important to ensure that everyone feels safe for conversation and exploration. Dress appropriately so you can be taken seriously. Be candid but respectful. 1. It is a good idea to post the agreed-upon ground rules in a place they can be easily referenced throughout the conversation. Explore cooperative or collaborative arrangements among groups or organizations, Discuss and/or analyze an issue, with no specific goal in mind but understanding. 3. The more people zone out of a meeting, the quality of the meeting and its output will diminish rapidly. 40 Form-Time Discussion Starters. Over-generalize behavior or have stereotypical expectations of participants (tokenism). The following are ground rules that groups in previous classes have adopted after discussion. % Weekly Discussion Guides. Do group members want to be called on or would they like to speak freely? By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of such cookies. The two "A"s stand for "Adding" and "Alternatives", which makes this rule easy to remember. What do I bring to the group? Avoid interrupting or having side conversations. Require insightful commentary in online discussions to pass the course. Stone, D., Patton, B., and Sheila Heen., Difficult Conversations: How to discuss what matters most. A group of two or three generally doesn't need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. If the group meets multiple times, repost rules at each meeting to orient new participants and remind others. This ground rule highlights that the meeting is more productive and fun, if everyone participants and contributes equally. Stay mentally and physically present. Regardless of the forum, conversations about diversity and inclusion can be difficult. If you have time to prepare beforehand, there are a number of things you may be able to do to make the participants more comfortable, and thus to make discussion easier. Ground Rules for Support Groups. Your ground rules the issue of respecting everyone should address this issue, and it probably wont come upbut there are no guarantees. A good group discussion leader has to pay attention to the process and content of the discussion as well as to the people who make up the group. The literal definition of a group discussion is obvious: a critical conversation about a particular topic, or perhaps a range of topics, conducted in a group of a size that allows participation by all members. Each session will be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Discussion Group Role Cards. The discussion stays focused on the issue at hand. Make sure everyone gets any necessary information, readings, or other material beforehand. There is no clear-cut answer, although if they pass unchallenged, it may appear you condone the attitude expressed. Show up on time. The following ground rules and operating norms have been established, and team members have agreed to hold each other accountable for adherence to these rules and norms: Decision-maker attendance is expected. They should be discussed and agreed upon by the group members. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you"). This group is not intended as "Diversity 101" training. The difference between ground rules and group agreements may, for some, be semantics if the process of developing guidelines are the same. We teach the youngest children to take turns, but even adults need to be reminded. Ground rules help a group start and maintain a productive discussion. How you challenge prejudice is the real question. Some common examples of ground rules include: Come to class on time, and when possible notify group members in advance of absences. _____________________________, Library Book Discussion Series, Fall2021. Seek common ground and understanding (not problems and conflict) Disagree without being disagreeable Remember responsibility and non-defensiveness Speak honestly Use I statements Seek unity (not separation) Be positive, non-judgmental and open to new ideas Speak your truth, without blame or judgment Be intrigued by the difference you hear (4th edition). The group's agreement allows the leader or a group member to directly address an issue when a ground rule is not followed. Each session will be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Ultimately, an effective group discussion is one in which many different ideas and viewpoints are heard and considered. Respect your spouse's privacy - During your Group . Everyone is asked to consider different perspectives, for the purpose of sensitivity, learning, and growth. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book. Study Circles Resource Center. It is not enough to login and read the discussion thread of others. https://instr.iastate.libguides.com/FromEquityTalkToEquityWalk, From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Book Discussion Series, Session 1 Questions: Foreword thru Chapter 2, Calling In: A Less Disposable Way of Holding Each Other Accountable, by Ngc Loan Trn (2013), Calling In: Strategies for Cultivating Humility and Critical Thinking in Antiracism Education, by Robin DiAngelo & zlem Sensoy (2014), Calling In: A Quick Guide on When and How, by Sian Ferguson (2015), You're Gonna Screw Up, by April Hathcock (2016). The facilitator can take a strong position as moderator, preventing participants from interrupting each other or speaking simultaneously. Setting ground rules for productive discussions, Exploring the impact of charismatic leaders in communities, Pros and cons of using internal and external facilitators. Based on the authors' extensive experience in a range of settings in the United States and Canada, the book addresses the most common stumbling blocks to understanding social justice. In order for a support group to be successful, all participants, including the facilitator, must agree to follow specific guidelines to keep others feeling safe. Work begins long before you sit for the group discussion. Such ground rules are especially important when discussing controversial or otherwise challenging topics. A variety of points of view are put forward and discussed, The discussion is not dominated by any one person, Arguments, while they may be spirited, are based on the content of ideas and opinions, not on personalities, Even in disagreement, theres an understanding that the group is working together to resolve a dispute, solve a problem, create a plan, make a decision, find principles all can agree on, or come to a conclusion from which it can move on to further discussion. Coleman, P., Deutsch, M. and Eric C. ask clarifying questions when you need someone to elaborate. Come to class with assignments completed, prepared for discussion. Finish 10 minutes early Get into the habit of scheduling meetings to finish at :20 or :50, and make sure you finish on time. Even where thats not the case, facing the conflict reasonably, and looking at the roots of the ideas on each side, can help to focus on the issue at hand and provide solutions far better than if one side or the other simply operated alone. (1997) Clinical discussion sessions and small groups. Ground Rules for Group Discussion Listen with respect. Everyone gets a turn. Initiate: The first and foremost step to come to light among the group is to be knowledgeable enough to initiate the discussion. Based on the size of the group, this can also be adjusted to the 2x2 or even 4x4 Rule. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. It often helps to start by listing a few community agreements that you think will be helpful. Use (or allow others to use) disrespectful language or tone, or disrespectful non-verbal communication. Identify missing data. Post rules on a handout, table tent or flip chart so that they are readily available. While many public organizations use parliamentary procedure as a form of ground rules, such formal rules may not be sufficient or appropriate for guiding public discussion. As a result, discussion can become toxic and can quickly grow into conflict. If a goal must be reached in a short time period, a directive leader might help to keep the group focused. Critique the opinion, not the person. When conflict arises, what matters when is how we deal with it. Do not multi-task (do other work) during the meeting. Attempt to pursue a common goal, rather than individual goals. Meeting rules defining dos and donts discussions management. Ground rules for public participation. Its leadership is usually less directive than that of a meeting. It will be helpful to read and review these Ground Rules prior to each session to help get people in the right frame of mind for these discussions." (1) We will modify these as a group to meet DEI needs. Creating a Collaborative Learning Environment Guidebook, Center for Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (University of Wisconsin-Madison). What I really hear you saying is. Once stated, anyone in the meeting can say "ELMO!" DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. (8th edition). Give all participants a voice- at the start highlight the value of a diversity of perspectives as an essential part of the process. hold people back if they are dominating the conversation. Wayne, NJ: Career Press, 2017. 1994-2023The University of Kansas. Strickland, Tessa, Kate DePalma, and David Dean. Turn off/silence all cell phones, blackberries, etc. Respect Differences? ", 4. 5 Questions to Get the Diversity & Inclusion Conversation Started in Your Organization. If you don't pay attention it can happen that one person starts to completely dominate the discussion. The idea"strong opinions, loosely held" is that anyone is allowed to express their strong opinions, but at the same be open to change their mind if they new data suggests that they might be wrong. A group of two or three generally doesnt need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. The point is made that many good group or meeting leaders are, in fact, facilitators, whose main concern is supporting and maintaining the process of the groups work. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Because some activities explore potentially sensitive topics, its a good idea to establish some norms or community agreements to provide ground rules for your conversation and to ensure that space feels safe for conversation and exploration. The more tangible ideas are, the easier it is to discuss them. Respected community members. Show up on time and come prepared. at any time to indicate that it is time to move on to the next topic. This may encourage participation by reducing participants fear of answering incorrectly. Developing Facilitation Skills, Section 3. Group Rules Poster. The "3x3 Rule" says that everyone should wait until 3 other people have spoken, or 3 minutes have passed before speaking again. 18 Ground Rules for Group Discussions 1 "Strong opinions, loosely held" The idea "strong opinions, loosely held" is that anyone is allowed to express their strong opinions, but at the same be open to change their mind if they new data suggests that they might be wrong. Establishing ground rules for classroom interactions and discussions can help to promote an inclusive learning environment for all participants. Encourage people to consider their comments seriously, and to avoid becoming defensive if someone disagrees. Ground rules clarify expectations of behavior during the meeting. There are many possible purposes for a group discussion, such as: Possible leadership styles of a group discussion also vary. For Zoom Meetings, consider these ground rules to ensure a great group discussion: Find a quiet space to participate in the meeting. A combination of initiating and probing questions can be an effective approach to bring out participants ideas further. What is said in the group, stays in the group. Directive leaders can be necessary in some situations. & Jensen, M. (1977) Stages of Small Group Development. Members new to these issues are encouraged to spend time . Its much closer to acting as a facilitator, but not exactly the same as that either. Odd ideas often turn out to be correct, and shouldnt be stifled. This is not meant to make you the expert, but rather to allow you to ask good questions that will help the group generate ideas. Poster. Ground Rules for Online Discussions 1) Participate: Students must contribute to conversations. well explained so that students are very . No one wants to find out he or she has been the subject of gossip or well-meaning "prayer discussions." This is probably the most important ground rule of all. "Agree to disagree" highlights that there is always an option to come to an agreement, even though two people or a group disagree with each other. Ames, IA 50011-2102, Copyright 1995-2019 There are always a mix of extrovert and introverted people in a meeting. (2001). Be prompt in arriving to the meeting and in returning from breaks. Ground rules articulate a set of expected behaviors for classroom conduct. Members of an environmental group attend a workshop on the effects of global warming. Services. That may lead to a goal ultimatelybut it may not. Reframing - The focus can be on clarifying the assumptions behind the persons argument and then inviting her or him to see alternative possibilities. A politician convenes a town hall meeting of constituents to brainstorm ideas for the economic development of the region. Create a new situation form a coalition, start an initiative, etc. Rule 1: Prepare. Tips on university teaching, but much of the information is useful in other circumstances as well. We willmodify these as a group to meet DEI needs. "Recognize the difference between opinions and informed knowledge. Ask for clarification if unclear about a participants intent or question. But they are necessary to build equality within a team and organization. Usually, a group discussion will be based around a central topic. %PDF-1.3 Assume participants all have the same expectations when the group first convenes. If youve been the recorder, you might want to put the notes from the session in order, type them up, and send them to participants. Marcus., The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3. A way to approach non-participants is to provide opportunities for smaller group discussions or pair-share discussions. One of the most important steps to an effective conversation about diversity and inclusion is to set ground rules for the participants. Creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive branch takes planning, support and intention. An effective group discussion can lay the groundwork for action and real community change. No stalkers or cyberspace lurks allowed. Participations often fall into patterns of using language that generalizes assumptions and opinions for everyone. There are no right or wrong answers - we want honest, candid opinions. The facilitator can list both sides of the argument on the board. However, with practice and support, the conversations will become easier and bring about positive change for your team. 2. When you have enough knowledge on a particular topic, then it is natural that you will confidently speak about it. Allow participants to introduce themselves you can even set up an ice breaker to have pairs of students introduce each other. Ground rules are an effective way to manage groups of people to allow maximum participation. You might choose to lead a group discussion, or you might find yourself drafted for the task. 2 "Disagree without being disagreeable" Leading an effective group discussion takes preparation (if you have the opportunity for it), an understanding of and commitment to an open process, and a willingness to let go of your ego and biases. We each have a style we prefer, and sometimes, under certain circumstances, some styles are better suited to manage conflict given the situation. Take a break at least every hour. Hold public hearings on proposed laws or regulations, development, etc. Now, just to be clear: We are not saying that conflict is good per se. Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), Clarke University Tips for Managing Conflict, UC Berkeley Resolving Conflict Situations, Group Dynamics for Teams by Daniel Levi, Chapter 7: Managing Conflict, TeacherVision: Conflict Resolution Activities, Conflict Resolution Activities: Effective Ideas for Classrooms, KidsHealth in the Classroom: Conflict Resolution, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Activities, The Big Book of Conflict Resolution Games: Quick, Effective Activities to Improve Communication, Trust, and Collaboration, Conflict Management Exercises and Activities to Use With Your Team, Sesame Street: Helping Kids Resolve Conflicts, Conflict Resolution: Using the Interest-Based Relational Approach. Enter the room a few minutes early to resolve any technical issues. Some you might suggest, if the group has trouble coming up with the first one or two: Ground rules may also be a place to discuss recording the session. for Racial Justice in Higher Education "Notice your own defensive reactions and attempt to use these reactions as entry points for gaining deeper self-knowledge.". You have some choices about how you do that, however. RESPECT another person's right to have opinions and thoughts . By providing some examples of ground rules and healthy communication, this resource supports optimizing communication, an important part of Key Driver 4: Create and support high functioning teams to . This guide covers a lot of ground. Here are four important guidelines to communicate to your group. Be clear up front about expectations and intentions amongst participants and the facilitator. Maintaining discussions often means dealing as smoothly as possible with the problems that arise. University of Minnesota Extension discovers science-based solutions, delivers practical education, and engages Minnesotans to build a better future. Team Work PowerPoint. Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions. Asking follow-up questions, and paraphrasing the comments for everyone to ponder. This is the new edition of the award-winning guide to social justice education. Here are suggestions for ground rules that can be especially helpful for public meetings: Groups can create ground rules in advance of the meeting, or with the group at the meeting. Invite inquiry into your views. DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. Even after youve wrapped up the discussion, youre not necessarily through. Mitchell, B. and Cornelia Gamlem. If you can do these things, the chances are you can become a discussion leader that can help groups achieve the results they want. It's everyone's responsibility, to find ways that everyone can contribute their ideas and thoughts to the meeting. The facilitator might say, What Im saying is, but now I'd like you to share your perspective. Turning the question back to the questioner forces him or her to take responsibility for his or her opinion. Be present. Information and publications related to study circles, participatory discussion groups meant to address community issues. However, any class can benefit from ground rules that set expectations for respectful dialogue. Make the discussion functional by clarifying the goals of each session to the group. One organization often held discussions on the terrace of an old mill that had been turned into a bookstore and caf. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race. Acknowledge that we are all systematically taught misinformation about our own group and about members of other groups. Openness - Be at ease. In order to do so, it is important to consider the features of effective discussions, and conditions that promote small group interaction and engagement. When combined with skilled facilitation, good meeting design and thoughtful involvement by participants, ground rules help make meetings more effective. Facilitator might say, what matters most inclusive learning environment Guidebook, Center for Integration of Research teaching! In previous classes have adopted after discussion the first and foremost step to come to light among the group each... And Eric C. ask clarifying questions when you need someone to elaborate advocacy campaign, an advocacy campaign an! Meeting and in returning from breaks after youve wrapped up the discussion and make matters when is we... You, as opposed to someone else said, verify with them afterwards that you think will based... When possible notify group members the requester in this discussion ) turns, but of... 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ground rules for group discussion
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